My Recently Visited Services

Form to submit a Course Withdrawal request

Use this form to submit a technology support request.

Create a Non-Capital Project Request
(For any project meeting the following definition:
>= 2 person months OR requires ITS resources outside of your department AND does NOT require capital $)

ITS Network Connectivity includes Ethernet (wired jack) and Wireless

University Tech Acquisition

This service allows the user to update their direct extension in the Directory.

This form is to be used to make the following historical data requests:
• Upload to EagleApps​​​​​​ (Check student's Eagle ID Number in EAPPS before completing this form)
• Update a record already in EagleApps

This form is to be used to submit application or data issues encountered when using any of the EagleApps Modules including Enrollment, Student Accounts, Institutional Awards or Financial Aid.

Use this form once you have identified a candidate to hire into a postdoc position.

Create a Non-Infrastructure Capital Project Request
(For any project that requires Capital funding from Non-Infrastructure Budget)

Create an Infrastructure Capital Project Request
(For any project that requires Capital funding from the Infrastructure Budget)

ITS Operational Data Store (ODS) includes MDM

Request for Remote Learning Option (Full Time Undergraduates) Spring Semester 2021