Entering Ops/Maint Time

Ops/Maint time is comprised of the hours you spend on day-to-day tasks, and will vary based on your role within ITS.

Follow these steps to enter Ops/Maint time.

  1. Go to the My Work application.
  2. In the left navigation, select My Time Card.

  1. Select the Add Time button at the top of the screen.

  1. Select Ticket Time at the top of the pop up.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass next to the Ticket field.
  3. Select All Tickets radio button, Enter Ops/Maint in the Search box and then click Search.  NOTE: Search for the VP area for which you are entering time i.e. TVP for ITS or AVP for Academic.
  4. Click the name of the appropriate Ticket.
  5. Select the appropriate Task/Activity.  Options will vary by VP.  NOTE:  Please click on the link below to reference the Ticket Glossary (pg. 5) for a list of TVP tickets and related tasks/activities.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-QoFyleRaYD4iKBXMBQltCY-3HhzatmuyJII3hiA7YI/edit?ts=574f279b#
  6. Select a Time Type.  The options are:
    • Analysis - Analysis, Design, Requirements
    • Audit/Compliance – Compliance efforts non-project related
    • Communications - Communications development
    • Implement - Develop, Test, Implement, Install/Config
    • IT Research - Temporary investigation of a technology (HW, SW, process) with goal of learning and/or expanding knowledge
    • Support - any support-related tasks
    • Training -  Delivering training
  7. Enter the appropriate hours in the appropriate day(s), and a description, if desired.

  1. Click the Save button, which updates your Time Card with this information.
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